Monthly Archives: July 2014


Haisong Jian, graduating in Biotechnology of the University of Rugters, of twenty-eight years of age, managed to deceive to the guard of security of the departure lounge and to only cross the doors of the departure lounge, reserved for passengers, with the unique intention to give a last kiss to its fianc2ee. When the guards […]

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General Manager

Let us not forget that at the end and after all we buy experiences human own or referred with a company (read with its people) and/or its products and/or services but linked them to treatment or behavior that gives its people. IN THAT MOMENT WE ARE OR CEASE TO BE IMMERSED IN THE CRISIS? 1. […]

OCR Option Information

Find your fax files by keyword, as well as select, copy and paste from a fax received in another document, is now possible for customers Popfax. As the fax constitutes legal proof of exchanging documents between companies is still an important process in business communication. Often these tests represent a large volume of documents that […]

One Night Just For Girls In Manumission Ibiza Travel

Last summer the girls and took a week vacation. It was a week to remember and say that one of the best nights of my life I enjoyed in the Manumission nightclub. I really wanted to go, especially after hearing that Paris Hilton, Charlotte Chuch and Puff Daddy (do not know if that’s his real […]

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The Pencil

B cavities contain water vapor and heat, they increase the pressure with respect to the environment. After that they go through the pores out. Upon cooling, the reverse process. Pencil “breathe”. 5.Karandash not as harmless as it considered. Hacksaw after cutting raw wood much rust. This affects the action of the juice of the tree, […]

Jhon Whitemore Productivity

The companies increasingly demand more integration of its human resources based on productivity, the development of individuals, enabling them to achieve the objectives set, the realization of their plans in order to ensure competitiveness. Likewise, they require a management to know motivate staff, where each individual has its own needs of achievements, aspirations, abilities, skills, […]