Tag Archives: medicine

First Fasting

How to prepare for the first starvation? In order to reduce the severity of your first fast should follow some simple rules. First of all – should be well acquainted with the method of fasting. You must at least in general terms to understand the essence of this method – to know how to carry […]


Cavitation – a technique based on the use of low-frequency ultrasound, which is becoming, thanks to its originality, of great practical value in aesthetic medicine. First, consider some basic information about ultrasound, hoping not much to tire those who are already more intimately familiar with the subject. Sound – a certain sense of vibration of […]

Infant Massage

Ayurvedic Yoga Massage (abhyanga) is the usual procedure, an Indian daily, the care of their health. Infant massage begins just after birth, and the regular practice of massage allows you to keep your body healthy and strong until a ripe old age. The ancient texts of Ayurveda are also talking about the necessity of daily […]

Dental Clinics

Voronezh dental clinics open their doors to provide its patients with quality and much-needed services. What fundamentally new services to the client can receive a dental clinic? Yes, almost all the same as in the private clinic, but to go to the dental clinic or dentist friend to a private clinic – only the choice […]

Diseases Pulmonary System

Classic massage in the treatment of diseases is recommended to perform before the sessions of physiotherapy and gymnastics. It is desirable that there was a pause in 1-2 hours. In this way we can fully implement effective quality medical massage and exercise gym and exercise. At low intensity and prolonged inflammation in the lungs and […]

Musculoskeletal System

Olga Anisimova, assistant professor of occupational and rehabilitation medicine Medical University rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, spondylitis, osteoporosis – these diseases are characterized by inflammatory and degenerative changes in the connective tissue (CT) joints and periarticular areas. In the approaches to their treatment, despite differences in etiology and clinical manifestations, there is much in common. There […]

Poweful Healing Systems

This practice came to the "Western" world, together with interest at all "Eastern". And as time has shown – no wonder! Qigong – can be interpreted as a vital force in everything. And indeed, those who practiced Qigong – gets energy as if from the air. Just making a beautiful, flowing movements. But this is […]