Tag Archives: news

Generate Wealth

Through the years have been acquiring certain habits that are very favourable for the economy, perhaps many people questioned the fact of spending, but it should not be so, to the extent that more people spend or invest their money then the economy it stimulates, nor is it spend all what is received and not […]

National Executive

We continue commenting on the building from where is it sent in Cuba for almost 40 years until survivor social revolution of 1959 and for being a very striking point within the urban spectrum habanero, is impossible to pass unnoticed in the eyes of any person arrival to the island for the first time. The […]

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Ruben Dario

Who was Ruben Dario Ruben Dario, pseudonym Felix Ruben Garcia Sarmiento (1867-1916), poet, journalist and Nicaraguan diplomat, considered the founder of modernism. He was born in Metapa (current Ciudad Dario), Nicaragua. His parents separated when he was very young and raised him a grandmother who introduced him in Managua, being yet a teenager, as a […]


vacation expenses are on the rise. Airfares are costing more and more. Time spent at the airport is ever more with the increase of security and airline delays. Reduce costs and loss of time by their vacation driving. Does driving with children can be frustrating, but there is no need to be planning ahead here […]


The National Museum of natural sciences in Madrid offers a temporary exhibition of the evolution of Darwin on the occasion of the bicentenary of the birth of Charles Darwin and the 150th anniversary of the publication of his most revolutionary work, the origin of species. Visitors can experience firsthand the scientific principles of the theory […]

French Foreign Minister

/ French Foreign Minister assures receiving emissaries of the Libyan regime who say that Gadhafi is ready to go. Alain Juppe points out that you there is a genuine negotiation NATO keep attacks in Libya during Ramadan if Qaddafi is not stopped. The French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Alain Juppe, said Tuesday that has received […]

Colombian Falcao

Jose Paolo Guerrero, the predator, emerges a strange peace. It is credible when he says live with peace of mind being the top scorer of the Copa America (next to the Colombian Falcao; until Aguero has seized them that honor before Costa Rica) and, in addition, the figure of a selection which again, many years […]

Belgian Philippe Gilbert

Several spectators whistled him in reaching the goal after the first stage. The French public has special antipathy by Madrid cyclist of Saxo Bank. Contador already noticed the animosity of the fans at the team’s presentation. The Spanish cyclist Alberto Contador returned to hear the whistles of the public at the end of the first […]

Spanish Medicines Agency

The Association of consumers in action (FACUA) has identified 28 web pages that supply drugs in Spain illegally. This tracer study aims to alert consumers of the existence of fakes that can seriously harm your health, in the absence of the guarantee offered by, for example, a pharmacy, explains Ruben Sanchez, spokesman of FACUA. In […]

Andoni Zubizarreta

Decision not to denounce the attitude of the coach of Madrid, Jose Mourinho, in the last minutes of the return of the Supercup match last Wednesday at the Camp Nou took a joint directive of Barcelona and the coaching staff. And it responds to the desire of not to pour more fuel to the fire. […]