The hotel tariffs would stay stable in 2009 due to the uncertainty in the sector Tourism product of the world-wide crisis, indicated Osvaldo Librizzi, President of the Starwood Corporation for Latin America. For this reason, the companies will aim to increase their services, mainly for the corporative segment, with the purpose of to desestacionalizar the sector. the tourists arrive at the country between July and December; the industralists do all the year, explained. The chain, owner of the Sheraton hotel (Lima), confirmed that in order year will abrir the hotel Urubamba Luxury Collection and in the 2010 San Isidro will be ready the Liberating Westin and the remodeling of the Liberating hotel Cusco that will be also a Luxury Collection de Starwood. REMODELING OF THE SHERATON Osvaldo Librizzi revealed that the Starwood chain has invested around US$5 million in remodelar 80% of the rooms of the Sheraton hotel, the gymnasium and diverse common areas. Vamos to renew 20% that is of rooms, also the lobby, as well as area where they were the casinos, explained, after indicating that the objective is to recover the corporative segment. Juan Antonio Tello Florindez To travel to Peru – Peru Trips – Peru Land Travel Original author and source of the article.