Frankfurt Exhibition Centre

In focus: energy efficiency, facility management, nanotechnology, hospital and surface cleanliness increased efficiency, more purity, stricter standards: worldwide the requirements for production, products and services grow. So, clean room solutions are indispensable in more and more industries and areas of application. Asana contributes greatly to this topic. The dynamics in the popular cross-cutting technology itself changed, on continues to ride on the same train. The second clean zone Congress is targeted on the current development of an and presented on 22 and 23 October 2013 groundbreaking main topics. In Frankfurt, a program which sound covers cross-industry trends as well as specialized areas of expertise expected visitors. 2013 the organizers focus efficiency, cleanrooms & hospital, nanotechnology & measurement, facility management & Cleanroom system and surface cleanliness on the topics of energy.

A further focus is Cleanroom testing & monitoring, standardization, sales and services on questions about the areas of future of cleanroom technology. A total of twelve high-profile The demanding clean zone comprises lectures Congress, temporally and spatially parallel taking place as in the previous year to the trade fair. I welcome the sophisticated concept of the clean zone with their balanced equilibrium between Congress and trade fair. Thus offers a viable mixture of current knowledge, substantive lectures and in-depth discussions on the relevant issues of our industry as well as to a good overview of specific vendors, solutions and products to visitors”, says jury member Arnold Brunner, Dipl.-ing. SIA, Hauptamtl.

Lecturer for building services engineering at the University of Lucerne. International expert jury Brunner involved this year in the international expert jury of the Congress. In its advisory role, the members of the jury for high scientific standards of the program are. 2013, The members are: – Dipl. – ing. SIA Arnold Brunner (Hochschule Luzern, Switzerland), Frank Duvernell (ReinraumAkademie, Leipzig), – Prof. Gernod Dittel (Dittel engineering, Kochel/Ried) – Conor Murray (Irish cleanrooms society/ICS, Dublin, Ireland) and – Dipl.-Phys. Thomas wool stone (Association German engineers/VDI, Dusseldorf). Call for papers launched 29 April 2013 starts the international call for papers. Thus, experts from all over the world are invited to submit their proposals on the topics of the Congress. The essays, studies, or best practice lectures should meet the scientific standards, provide innovations, and be written in German or English language. Submissions at: clean zone in Frankfurt is the clean zone of the new international and cross-sector industry meeting for clean room technology. Organiser is Messe Frankfurt, the cleanroom acts Academy of Leipzig as a marketing and Contentpartner. In October 2012, participants from 13 countries came to Frankfurt to the debut. Trade fair and Congress scored it with best scores: 89 percent of visitors and 84 percent of the exhibitors were with the premiere satisfied to very satisfied. 46 Percent of the visitors came from the top management, 88 percent responded to have influence on purchasing and procurement in their company. In their second year, both trade fair and international Congress and thematically continues to be expanded.