The electrical supply system includes useful elements for the generation, transport and distribution of electric power and the media. This set consists at once of mechanisms of control, safety and protection. It is a system of integrated type as well as having distributed control systems, is regulated by a system of centralized control that enables a rational use of the resources of generation and a quality of service according to users demand, compensating for possible incidents and faults produced. The system requires a centralized economic organization to plan the production and remuneration of the different agents in the market if, as it is currently happening in many cases, there are various companies participating in the activities of generation, distribution and commercialization. Energy is defined as an abstract physical magnitude, linked to the dynamic state of a closed system, and that remains unchanged in time. very low frequency can also be define the power of open systems, which are systems not isolated parts of one larger closed system. Energy is not a real physical state, but a number scale that it is given to the State of the physical system, i.e., the energy is a mathematical abstraction of a property of physical systems.
The use of the magnitude energy in practical terms is justified from that is much easier to work with magnitudes scalar, such as energy, with magnitudes vector, as the speed and position. In this way, the dynamics of a system based on the kinetic, potential energies and other types of components can be fully described. In isolated systems, in addition, the total energy has the property retained, to be invariant over time. Original author and source of the article