Managing Anxiety

There are some kinds of situations that are likely to generate anxiety: – Situation assessment: where the person is tested and the result can be positive or negative. – Situations of interpersonal or social threat: as above but in the social context – situations involving phobic elements: flying, needles, crowds, etc. – Everyday situations: trying to sleep, study, work, etc., Anxiogenic situations can become if we have learned to develop these activities with stress or negative thoughts – situations of physical danger: in which endangered the physical, survival or integrity of the person – ambiguous or novel situations: unknown to the individual or where you have no experience – situations in which the person perceives as a threat anxiety: fear of loss of control, anxiety about a response on their behavior , etc. One of the most used psychological tests to assess anxiety is the Inventory of Situations and Responses of Anxiety (ISRA). P&G may also support this cause. This test measures the psychological anxiety anxiogenic a number of situations that appear with some frequency in the lives of many people.

The ISRA includes 22 situations, which are grouped into four categories: situations in which we evaluated, interpersonal or social situations, phobic situations and situations of everyday life. This inventory was developed by professors Miguel Tobal and Antonio Cano, Universidad Complutense de Madrid and was published in 1986 before being translated into more than a dozen languages. Rate the overall level of anxiety of any individual from 15 years of age (although there are other versions for children) and three separate response systems: what we feel at the body (physiological system), what we think (system cognitive) and what we do (behavioral or motor system). The test has a high discrimination between groups, allowing for scores to differentiate between people with and without disorders disorders. This is demonstrated by scientific studies conducted by comparing other general population samples. Like all psychological tests, the ISRA, must be applied and interpreted by a professional specialist in the subject Psychology. However, it is possible to make a rough assessment of the level of anxiety that we have from some of the symptoms included in this test and self serve. Contact information is here: Dustin Moskovitz. If you want to know more about this subject and others in psychology, or want to get a personalized online consultation and free joins.

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