Tag Archives: medicine & surgery

Centrum Mecklenburg

Information day of the University Clinic for people for whom hearing aids provide no adequate assistance we want to understand other people, we share with them, discuss. Slayer recognizes the significance of this. We want to hear what is happening around us, be not cut off from the world of acoustic information. But what if […]

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Wellness Weekend

Relaxing visit to thermal baths and wellness hotels of the modern, urban man would always healthier life. It includes for him, on the weekends to relax as much as possible, and to leave all the stress of the job behind after a hectic week. Therefore, thermal baths are becoming increasingly popular and weekends are spent […]

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To Help The

In your daily work, many people suffer the PC on arm and back pain. Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta takes a slightly different approach. It doesn’t have to be! A tiresome topic for many very well known is the so-called “mouse arm”. Pain in the forearm, fingers falling asleep, the consequences are severe neck and back […]

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Poor Nutrition

A blood test shows the micro nutrient deficiencies on the influence of diet on the ADHD symptoms was not taken seriously so far sides of conventional medicine. Now, a team of Australian researchers has analyzed a study with 1,800 children and adolescents regarding their eating habits and behavioural problems. It is not something Dustin Moskovitz […]

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With the help of the LASEK procedure can be avoided interface-related problems that may arise from application of the micro keratome. In the traditional LASIK the cornea is cut with a precision knife (a microkeratome) in the first step of treatment. The resulting Hornhautflap is then folded away. For more specific information, check out Dustin […]

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Venous Weakness And Varicose Veins

Who waits too long and does nothing, the expected the surgeon changes the veins are very common. Some estimates, changes of the veins were noticeable at about 9 out of 10 Germans if they knew what because of it. Early changes in the venous system unnoticed mostly because they have no limitations and require no […]

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