Bulletproof Glass

The desire to protect themselves and the desire to protect their property is inherent to mankind from time immemorial. The window is always served vploscheniem opening to the outside world. Glass is – a fragile barrier between the cozy little world of your home and ubiquitous social environment. More than one year left on it to realize the illusory dream of military engineers and owners of banking institutions – to create. Now the worldwide use of bullet-proof, armored protection – it usual for those wishing to protect their property. Bulletproof glass is a laminated block of glass glued together with adhesive photopolymer layers of various thicknesses. There various classes of armored protection. Bulletproof glass is stable when exposed to firearms and safe for human use (by breaking cracks and breaks into fragments with blunt).

Depending on the subsequent use of materials and tasks on a shock-resistant armored glass is classified, bulletproof, safety glass. Due to the thickness and number of glass plates is determined by the stability of the material to the influence of external factors, including mechanical ones. The same applies where the bulletproof glass? Modern architecture and design solutions can be used safely armored glass for conservatories, large aquariums, stairs, ceilings and floors. Purchased from a reliable manufacturer certified bulletproof glass eliminates the possibility of cracking and eliminates the need to install bars on the windows. Bulletproof glass is used for ensure the safety of clients and staff of credit institutions and banks.

Actively used in bulletproof glass structural design of guards and cashiers booths, stained glass, partitions, display cases for glass front doors of premises. The company 'Outpost' is one of the leaders in the production and sale of protective structures of high quality. The range of products provided by our client protective barriers, protective windows, locks, armored doors and bulletproof glass (safety glass). Through active search for new technologies, we are constantly improving the quality of product and carry out various practical developments in the field of security. Daryl Katz takes a slightly different approach. Acquired companies 'Outpost' bulletproof glass, will serve as reliable support for your stability for a long time!